This page provides information on the four sources of Federal FHWA funding that is sub-allocated to the MVRPC region. View MVRPC’s most recently adopted Suballocated Funding Policy for further detailed information.
2024 STP, CMAQ, TA, and CR Project solicitation
On September 5, 2024 the Board formally authorized MVRPC staff to solicit qualified member jurisdictions for new transportation projects using MVRPC regionally controlled federal funds (STP, CMAQ, TA and CR). Funding for the STP program is available in SFY2028-SFY2030, funding for the CMAQ program is available in SFY2030-SFY2031 and funding for the TA and CR programs is available in SFY2028-SFY2030. On September 5th, the MVRPC Board of Directors also adopted revised Policies and Procedures for these federal funds. The policies are used in selecting and programming projects into the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The policies include a list of eligible projects. Once submitted, applications for proposed new projects will be reviewed and evaluated for possible inclusion in the TIP.
Application Materials
- 2024 MVRPC Suballocated Funding Policy and Procedures
- MVRPC Complete Streets Policy
- MVRPC Funding Application (Non-Transit) [save .zip, and then extract the document]
- MVRPC Funding Application (Transit) [save .zip, and then extract the document]
- ODOT Regulated Property Search Instructions
- Sample Resolution for Jurisdiction Project Submittal
- Additional ODOT District 7 Right of Way Information
Project Evaluation
Completed applications must be received at MVRPC by 1:00 p.m. October 10, 2024. When compiling an application, be sure to include all materials requested in the application along with any additional information you feel helps describe the project and its benefits. If you have any questions, please email Paul Arnold or call (937) 223-6323.
The CR program provides funding for projects that support a reduction in transportation emissions, defined as carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from on-road sources. Please see our CR Funding Fact Sheet for an overview of the CR funding program.
The primary purpose of the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) is to fund projects and programs in air quality non-attainment and maintenance areas for ozone, carbon monoxide (CO), and particulate matter which reduces transportation-related emissions. Please see our CMAQ Funding Fact Sheet for an overview of the CMAQ funding program. In accordance with the Statewide CMAQ Policy, projects recommended for CMAQ funding by the MVRPC Board will subsequently be submitted to the Statewide CMAQ Committee for final consideration for funding during the next solicitation cycle.
STP projects typically consist of maintenance, reconstruction, or new construction of roads on federal-aid roadways. Please see our STP Funding Fact Sheet for an overview of the STP funding program.
The TA program provides funding for programs and projects defined as transportation alternatives, including on- and off-road pedestrian and bicycle facilities, infrastructure projects for improving non-driver access to public transportation and enhanced mobility, community improvement activities, and environmental mitigation; recreational trail program projects; safe routes to school projects; and projects for planning, designing, or constructing boulevards and other roadways largely in the right-of-way of former Interstate System routes or other divided highways. Please see our TA Funding Fact Sheet for an overview of the TA funding program.
2023 STP, TA, and CR Applications Received
On March 7, 2024, the MVRPC Board approved over $26.7 million for 29 STP, TA, and CR projects. Please see the detailed project award lists below
- 2023 STP Approved project list
- 2023 TA Approved project list
- 2023 CR Approved project list
- 2023 Projects unable to fund
For previous years' approved funding, click here to review Historical Approved Funding.